Build a Database Pt. 3: Write Ahead Log(WAL)

Adam Comer

Updated Apr 04, 2022

Pile of wood logs

Last article, we created our MemTable for in-memory record storage. To recover our data after the database restarts, we need our first layer of on-disk persistence, the WAL. Looking at RocksDB, we will discuss the design and structure of its WAL. After analyzing the standard, we will design a specification for our WAL. Furthermore, we will debate the tradeoffs of Buffered vs Unbuffered I/O in the context of data integrity and disk speed. Lastly, we will build our variant of the WAL in Rust.

What Is a Write Ahead Log(WAL)?

When a record is written to our database, it is stored in two palaces: the MemTable and the WAL. The WAL acts as an on-disk backup for the MemTable by keeping a running record of all of the database operations. In the event of a restart, the MemTable can be fully recovered by replaying the operations in the WAL. When a MemTable reaches capacity and is transformed into a SSTable, the WAL is wiped from the disk to make room for a new WAL.

As mentioned in part two, the key insight of a LSM-Tree database is that sequential I/O is faster than random I/O, and databases should match this reality. The WAL uses exclusively sequential I/O to store data on disk; but, there are drawbacks to not using random I/O. The WAL pays for its improved write speed with lost disk space. Every time a record is updated, old versions of the record are kept, eating away at disk space. This is known as Space Amplification in database design theory. Space Amplification is a multiple of how much storage space is used for a given dataset size. For example, a 1GB dataset with a 2X Space Amplification factor would result in 2GB of disk usage. Although not important for our project, it is something that database designers are cognizant of and optimize for.

Buffered vs Unbuffered I/O

A hot topic for debate in database design is Buffered vs Unbuffered I/O. Today, applications are demanding more from databases while the underlying disks aren’t keeping pace. To make disks appear faster, the OS maps sections of disk to memory. Changes to the disk happen only in memory, and periodically, the OS writes the changes to the physical disk. This is known as Buffered I/O — which writes data to a buffer that is eventually flushed to disk. Buffered I/O can be avoided by using Unbuffered I/O — which writes data directly to the physical disk.

According to Google’s LevelDB, RocksDB’s predecessor, Buffered I/O can be “thousand times as fast as synchronous writes.” Although there is a clear performance benefit, if the OS or the physical server crash, all of the buffered writes are lost. This may be an acceptable risk if there is a replication strategy of the underlying data or the data can be regenerated easily.


The RocksDB variant of the WAL doesn’t deviate far from the description of the WAL. It is a stream of database operations stored on disk, no extra data structures. RocksDB opts to store records from the WAL in a block format. Each block is 32KB and contains at most one record. Records that are larger than a block are broken into multiple block size chunks. At the start of each block is a checksum of the block’s contents to verify its integrity. The full block format, copied from the github repository, is below:

+----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+--- ... ---+
| CRC (4B) | Size (2B) | Type (1B) | Log number (4B)| Payload   |
+----------+-----------+-----------+----------------+--- ... ---+
CRC = 32bit hash computed over the payload using CRC
Size = Length of the payload data
Type = Type of record
       (kZeroType, kFullType, kFirstType, kLastType, kMiddleType )
       The type is used to group a bunch of records together to represent
       blocks that are larger than kBlockSize
Payload = Byte stream as long as specified by the payload size
Log number = 32bit log file number, so that we can distinguish between
records written by the most recent log writer vs a previous one.

Immediately when I saw that RocksDB was using a block model, I was surprised because small records would leave many padding bytes, wasting disk space. The designers of RocksDB know this and left a comment about it in the drawbacks section; but, they use it with good reason. Tools like MapReduce can take advantage of this block design and use it to split files into parts for batch processing jobs. Although I will never use this, there are probably some processing jobs at Facebook that need to process the archived WALs from RocksDB.

When it comes to Buffered I/O, RocksDB uses the OS write buffer and gives the user the option to force the OS to sync it to disk. This follows the LevelDB design, guaranteeing the data can be recovered if the process crashes.


For our database, the WAL will directly follow the description and won’t include block models or checksums, like in RocksDB. Each of the entries will be stored back-to-back with only the necessary metadata to recover the keys and values of the records. This will reduce the amount of lost disk space and programming overhead. For our WAL, each entry will follow this format:

| Key Size (8B) | Tombstone(1B) | Value Size (8B) | Key | Value | Timestamp (16B) |
Key Size = Length of the Key data
Tombstone = If this record was deleted and has a value
Value Size = Length of the Value data
Key = Key data
Value = Value data
Timestamp = Timestamp of the operation in microseconds

Like RocksDB, and LevelDB before it, we will use the Buffered I/O model, and flush the data to the OS after each write. When deciding to use Buffered or Unbuffered I/O, I believe we can trust Google and Facebook to inform us that Buffered I/O is an acceptable risk.

Building Our WAL

The code for the WAL will exist in two parts, the WAL itself and the WALIterator. At a high level, the WAL is the struct that our database will interface with. The WALIterator is a consumable iterator that reads all of the entries of a WAL file. We will build the WALIterator first because the WAL uses the WALIterator in its recovery method.

WALEntry Struct

First, we need to define the structure of our WAL entries. This will mirror the MemTableEntry in the prior article.

pub struct WALEntry {
 pub key: Vec<u8>,
 pub value: Option<Vec<u8>>,
 pub timestamp: u128,
 pub deleted: bool,

WALIterator Struct

Next, we have our WAL iterator. Its job is to start at the beginning of a WAL file and iterate over each entry. This will aid in the reconstruction process of the MemTable when our database restarts.

/// WAL iterator to iterate over the items in a WAL file.
pub struct WALIterator {
 reader: BufReader<File>,

Although there is a lot of overhead of reading and deserializing, we push most of this complexity onto the standard library’s BufReader. It reads the data from our WAL file letting our iterator focus on deserializing the entries. Additionally, it reduces the amount of disk operations by reading files in 8KB chunks for maximum read efficiency.

Note, the BufReader is a Rust abstraction and is not the same as the OS’s Buffered I/O. This is an important distinction because an application can use an Unbuffered I/O solution in the code but the OS will still buffer the writes, if not properly configured. By using both OS buffering and Rust buffering, the two layers of buffering maximize the read performance of our WAL.

WALIterator Methods

In order to be classified as an iterator, the WALIterator needs to implement the Iterator trait in addition to its own methods.

Create a New WALIterator

Starting with the WALIterator’s custom method, we need a basic constructor method. It will open a file in read-only mode for the BufReader.

/// Creates a new WALIterator from a path to a WAL file.
pub fn new(path: PathBuf) -> io::Result<WALIterator> {
  let file = OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(path)?;
  let reader = BufReader::new(file);
  Ok(WALIterator { reader })

Read Entries From the WAL One-By-One

To implement the Iterator trait, a Item type and rust›next() method need to be defined. The Item type of the iterator will be the WALEntry that was defined before. The rust›next() method will deserialize the next entry from a WAL file with the format from our specification.

impl Iterator for WALIterator {
  type Item = WALEntry;

  /// Gets the next entry in the WAL file.
  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<WALEntry> {
    let mut len_buffer = [0; 8];
    if self.reader.read_exact(&mut len_buffer).is_err() {
      return None;
    let key_len = usize::from_le_bytes(len_buffer);

    let mut bool_buffer = [0; 1];
    if self.reader.read_exact(&mut bool_buffer).is_err() {
      return None;
    let deleted = bool_buffer[0] != 0;

    let mut key = vec![0; key_len];
    let mut value = None;
    if deleted {
      if self.reader.read_exact(&mut key).is_err() {
        return None;
    } else {
      if self.reader.read_exact(&mut len_buffer).is_err() {
        return None;
      let value_len = usize::from_le_bytes(len_buffer);
      if self.reader.read_exact(&mut key).is_err() {
        return None;
      let mut value_buf = vec![0; value_len];
      if self.reader.read_exact(&mut value_buf).is_err() {
        return None;
      value = Some(value_buf);

    let mut timestamp_buffer = [0; 16];
    if self.reader.read_exact(&mut timestamp_buffer).is_err() {
      return None;
    let timestamp = u128::from_le_bytes(timestamp_buffer);

    Some(WALEntry {

Deserializing entries can be tedious, so it’s best to package the process into a general purpose iterator. Now, reading WAL files is as simple as instantiating a new WALIterator. If a full entry can’t be read because it is corrupted or partially written, the iterator will stop. In a production database, there would be an error correction process to clean up the WAL and notify the user. We won’t worry about this because it would drastically increase the complexity of the iterator at the expense of our understanding. Things like error correction deserve a blog post all to themselves.

This method completes the WALIterator. The full version can be found here if any additional clarity is needed.

WAL Struct

Now to the main event, actually building the WAL for our database. Like the WALIterator, we will use a buffered I/O design but as a writer, not a reader. This writer will exclusively append records to the file.

/// Write Ahead Log(WAL)
/// An append-only file that holds the operations performed on the MemTable.
/// The WAL is intended for recovery of the MemTable when the server is shutdown.
pub struct WAL {
 path: PathBuf,
 file: BufWriter<File>,

WAL Methods

Create a New WAL

Like always, a constructor is necessary to instantiate a new WAL. Given a directory, a new WAL file is created with the current time in microseconds. In the case of multiple WAL files in the same directory, the timestamps allow the recovery process to apply the operations in order.

/// Creates a new WAL in a given directory.
pub fn new(dir: &Path) -> io::Result<WAL> {
  let timestamp = SystemTime::now()

  let path = Path::new(dir).join(timestamp.to_string() + ".wal");
  let file = OpenOptions::new().append(true).create(true).open(&path)?;
  let file = BufWriter::new(file);

  Ok(WAL { path, file })

Load an Existing WAL From a File Path

If a WAL file already exists, we want to instantiate it from the file’s path.

/// Creates a WAL from an existing file path.
pub fn from_path(path: &Path) -> io::Result<WAL> {
  let file = OpenOptions::new().append(true).create(true).open(path)?;
  let file = BufWriter::new(file);

  Ok(WAL {
    path: path.to_owned(),

Record a Set Operation in the WAL

When a new Key-Value pair is written to the database, it is first written to the MemTable and WAL. Our set method takes in the record, serializes the data, and appends it to the WAL. This function uses the layout defined in the design above.

/// Sets a Key-Value pair and the operation is appended to the WAL.
pub fn set(&mut self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8], timestamp: u128) -> io::Result<()> {
  self.file.write_all(&(false as u8).to_le_bytes())?;


Here we can see the value of the BufWriter. The metadata, such as the tombstones and key-value lengths, is only a few bytes and warrants batching write operations.

Record a Delete Operation in the WAL

Adding a delete operation is similar to the set method, just without the value.

/// Deletes a Key-Value pair and the operation is appended to the WAL.
/// This is achieved using tombstones.
pub fn delete(&mut self, key: &[u8], timestamp: u128) -> io::Result<()> {
  self.file.write_all(&(true as u8).to_le_bytes())?;


Write the Buffered Changes to Disk

After we set or delete a record, the contents of the operation haven’t been passed to the OS to write to disk. The flush method takes the modified buffer in the BufWriter and stores it. Although we could call this method at the end of set and delete, separating these concerns gives the database the ability to bulk insert records without flushing to disk after each operation.

/// Flushes the WAL to disk.
/// This is useful for applying bulk operations and flushing the final result to
/// disk. Waiting to flush after the bulk operations have been performed will improve
/// write performance substantially.
pub fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

Luckily, the BufWriter knows this is a common design pattern and has a built-in flush method.

Load and Merge the WALs in a Directory

In most of my coding projects, I include a utilities file for all miscellaneous functions that are used repeatedly throughout the application. One common task our database does is searching for files with an extension. Given a folder, this function will do just that.

/// Gets the set of files with an extension for a given directory.
pub fn files_with_ext(dir: &Path, ext: &str) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
  let mut files = Vec::new();
  for file in read_dir(dir).unwrap() {
    let path = file.unwrap().path();
    if path.extension().unwrap() == ext {


To restore our MemTable and WAL, we need to load the operations from the WALs in a directory and replay them to a new MemTable and WAL. Using our helper function from above and our WALIterator, we will find the WAL files and replay their operations. Lastly, when the replay is finished, we flush the contents to disk and delete the old WALs.

/// Loads the WAL(s) within a directory, returning a new WAL and the recovered MemTable.
/// If multiple WALs exist in a directory, they are merged by file date.
pub fn load_from_dir(dir: &Path) -> io::Result<(WAL, MemTable)> {
  let mut wal_files = files_with_ext(dir, "wal");

  let mut new_mem_table = MemTable::new();
  let mut new_wal = WAL::new(dir)?;
  for wal_file in wal_files.iter() {
    if let Ok(wal) = WAL::from_path(wal_file) {
      for entry in wal.into_iter() {
        if entry.deleted {
          new_mem_table.delete(entry.key.as_slice(), entry.timestamp);
          new_wal.delete(entry.key.as_slice(), entry.timestamp)?;
        } else {
  wal_files.into_iter().for_each(|f| remove_file(f).unwrap());

  Ok((new_wal, new_mem_table))

Simply, this function iterates over every WAL file and entry, reconstructing the original MemTable.


Now that we have completed the WAL, our database has its first level of persistence down. Comparing the designs of the RocksDB WAL and our WAL, we see that they are not very different. RocksDB, being a professional database, uses data integrity features like checksums and a block model for its disk layout. But, the main principle of a running log of operations is maintained between the two variants. When writing data to disk, we ran into the problem that the OS doesn’t immediately propagate those writes. Therein lies a tradeoff of speed and data integrity. Buffered I/O chooses speed over data integrity. Although there are risks, many production databases use this method because the probability of a machine crashing is low compared to the process crashing; and with a sufficient replication strategy — these problems vanish. The complete WAL component can be found in this repository along with unit tests. Next, we will implement the SSTable component of our database so our database can hold more than a single MemTables worth of data.
